Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat Tentang Global Warming Beserta Artinya
Pada teks pidato hal wajib yang ada di dalamnya adalah pembuka kemudian isi dan yang terakhir ada penutup. Pada bagian isi, teks pidato berbeda-beda disesuaikan konteksnya. Misalnya, jika pidato ketika acara peringatan hari kartini maka isi dari pidato yang disampaikan adalah tentang hal yang berkaitan dengan hari kartini.
Terdapat banyak macam-macam teks pidato dengan judul berbeda-beda. Bagi yang sedang mencari referensi mengenai contoh dari teks pidato maka penting untuk membaca penjelasan yang akan ditulis di bawah ini. Langsung saja perhatikan contoh-contoh teks pidato Bahasa Inggris sebagai berikut.
.Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
The honourable Mr. Marjuki, The honourable Mr.Markiboh and Mrs.Maemunah and also my lovely friend in this room.
Firstly, I would like to thank God and our prophet Muhammad SAW who give us healthy and wealthy and bring us from the dark life to the bright life like this morning.
Okey, before I start, I want to introduce myself to all of you, my name is Paijo Kino, I’m from class XII, and I stand here to deliver my speech about global warming.
Ladies and Gentleman,
I want to ask you, do you know about global warming? Yes, of course. Global warming is so familiar to us, especially today. But let me give you a quick explanation about it. Global warming is the increase in average temperature of the earth’s surface and the oceans since the mid-twentieth century and is continue up to today.
But, why do we have to worry about this small changes of earth’s temperature? It turns out that this small changes of temperature was not a temporary condition. It stay that way for a long period of time. Every day this condition result in a small changes which accumulated to be a massive changes that has enormous impact to the world.
You may have noticed from some news on TV that the iceberg in the north pole slowly melted and turn into sea water. You may say that it is just water, and a small amount of it. But imagine if this condition happen everyday, just wait until the whole area of north pole is melted, and the water will be enough to drown an island, or even bigger.
Ladies and Gentleman,
Many political and public debate continues regarding the appropriate response towards the global warming. In the future it is likely that rising temperature will lead to more frequent of heat waves. Moreover global warming will last thousands of years. To gain an understanding about this matters, over the last five years, more than six hundreds scientists from intergovernmental panel on climate change sifted through thousands of studies about global warming, how to prevent it, and how to put an end to it. Far from being some future fear, global warming is happening now, and the scientist have some evidence which tell us that we took part of its initiation.
The global warming is actually cause of some of our daily activities which produce a huge amount of carbon dioxide, chloro-fluoro carbon, methane, nitrous oxides, and any gasses considered to be green house gasses which create a green house effect. This green house gasses will then trap the heat and light from our environment and sun, which eventually raise the temperature on earth’s surface.
The rate of warming in the last 50 years was doubled than the rate observed over the last hundred years. The temperature are certain to go up further. Many response appear to global warming, the broad agreement among climate scientists that global warming temperatures will continue to increase has led some nations, states, corporations and individuals to act.
Ladies and Gentleman,
There are many effect of global warming, one of them is the increasing of global temperature will cause sea levels to rise. In the face of higher sea levels and more intense storms, coastal communities face greater risk of rapid beach erosion and damage from destructive storm.
Beside that, the other effect from global warming and green house effect on both the natural environment and human life are water scarcity in some regions, changes in mountain snowpack, and adverse healthy effect from warmer temperatures.
Ladies and Gentleman,
This problem has become everyone’s concern. Starting from scientist, scholar, politician and a lot of public figure such as movie stars, famous singer, and of course the world’s leader. Recently, a famous actor, Leonardo DiCaprio has been choosen as the representatives of the United Nation to have a meeting with all world’s leader around the world to discuss about global warming. It show us that, global warming is not your problem or my problem, but it is our problem, and only by standing together that we can solve this problem.
I think that’s all from me. I am sorry if I make some mistakes during my speech. I hope my speech will be useful for all of us, and remember, always take care of our environtment, let’s prevent global warming from getting bigger and worse. Thank you very much for your attention. Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatulahi Wabarakatuh.
Secara harfiah, pidato singkat yang baik dapat memberikan suatu kesan positif bagi orang-orang yang mendengar pidato persuasif tersebut. Kemampuan pidato persuasif atau berbicara yang baik di depan umum juga dapat membantu untuk mencapai jenjang karier yang baik. Contoh pidato bahasa indonesia singkat sendiri ada banyak, seperti: naskah pidato kenegaraan, teks pidato menyambut hari besar, pidato singkat pembangkit semangat, pidato singkat sambutan acara atau event, dan lain sebagainya. Dalam berpidato, penampilan, gaya bahasa, dan ekspresi hendaknya diperhatikan serta harus percaya diri menyampaikan isi dari contoh pidato singkat, agar orang yang melihat pidato singkat pun tertarik dan terpengaruh oleh pidato bahasa indonesia singkat yang disampaikan.
Kumpulan Contoh Teks Pidato Berbagai Tema
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